Thanks for stopping by and sharing my life and writing journey. Here are some questions for you along with my answers:
- Would you take a hot air balloon ride? No more than four feet off the ground, thank you very much.
- Ever ride a skateboard? Sure, in high school on a four-inch-wide wooden plank with clay wheels.
- How about spelunking? Not me—I get claustrophobic.
- Are you taking what you’ve learned on this journey called life, applying God’s word, and permitting the Lord to lead? Absolutely.
I hope you’ll join me as we explore the past to heal the future.
Without a Doubt (Scotland 1898)
Guilt had overtaken Maggie Richards: the relationship with her mother—severed; possibly forever. A telegram from Scotland shocks Maggie. Her mom has died as the result of a horse-riding accident. Skeptical, Maggie seeks evidence that this was not the case, rather a calculated murder by her mother’s stepson, Laurence MacLaren.
Maggie and two traveling companions are invited to spend their holiday at Stuart Hall, Laurence’s ancestral home. His charming personality and rugged good looks create an emotional tug on Maggie.
Maggie struggles to sort the truth as Laurence skillfully weaves a web of deception.
Intrigue and cunning at every turn, Maggie discovers the motive for murder and the mysterious disappearance of Laurence’s father outweighs the possibility of an accident. She must force a confession before she becomes another victim.
Her experiences will change her life forever as she seeks the evidence to prove his guilt, without a doubt.

Eden Lake (Oregon 1900)
Home from Scotland, Max Sullivan parts company with his companions, Maggie Richards and Nellie Cox. He returns to his isolated cabin on Eden Lake, situated high in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon. His failure to seek Maggie’s hand in marriage leaves Max with a gnawing sense of emptiness.
The pristine beauty of Eden Lake reflects majestic Mt. Hood, but Max discovers his once unsullied paradise is now tainted. A beguiling female, Emeline, has taken up residence across the lake, and Molech, a bizarre mountain man, wants to befriend him.
News of Maggie and Nellie’s impending visit, along with his friend from Scotland, brightens Max’s outlook, but complicates matters. Can he see through the physical beauty of Emeline to the evil that grips her spirit and keep repugnant Molech at bay? With news he has terminal cancer, his dream of marriage dissolves.
Max now faces a battle for his life, armed with God’s word and three friends.
Nellie’s Quest (Oregon 1910)
While investigating the identity of a dead man, Detective Nellie Cox finds herself ensnared with the Black Hand extortion gang, lost in a maze of clues to find her mother, and the target of an assassination attempt. Her good friends, Max and Maggie spur her on to overcome fear and an unforgiving spirit with the power of God’s word.
Her detective skills are put to the test in a small town on the Columbia River. After purchasing a train ticket in Portland bound for Chicago, her search is on for answers: Who was the dead man? Can I face my past? Is my mother still alive? Can I escape the Black Hand’s assassin’s attempts before this mystery is solved?
As with the two previous novels, Nellie’s Quest centers around a foundational principle from God’s word. This time it’s forgiveness. Nellie must face her past, focus on the present and be willing to apply unconditional forgiveness before she walks into her future—that is if the assassin is captured before the contract is fulfilled.
Solving this case might resurrect her past…or she just may end up dead!

Announcing Nellie’s Quest!
Announcing the release of Nellie’s Quest, the third and final [...]
Our Vantage Point Makes a Difference
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